BMAT全名為BioMedical Admissions Test,為英國醫學院其中一個入學考試,全卷共分為3部分(Section 1、2、3)。BMAT的考核目標係在學術上評估一個考生是否具備成為一個醫生的條件,並非評估學生的執業潛力 (該方面個別大學會有自己一套甄選機制)。每一名醫科的候選學生絕對係學生中的翹楚,公開考試的成績固然相當接近,因此BMAT考試絕對可以在學術上挑選出更優秀的學生,在一個公平的環境下為醫學院提供一個客觀的參考數據。由於醫科為學生的熱門學科,我地今日為大家介紹下其中一個入學試。
University | Course | BMAT session accepted |
Brighton and Sussex Medical School | A100 Medicine | September or November |
Imperial College London | A100 Medicine | September or November |
Lancaster University | A100 Medicine & Surgery A104 Medicine & Surgery with a Gateway Year |
September or November |
University College London | A100 Medicine | September or November |
University of Cambridge | A100 Medicine | September or November |
University of Manchester Medical School (for some groups of international applicants only, check the University’s website for full details) |
A106 MBChB Medicine and A104 MBChB Medicine (with foundation year) | September or November |
University of Leeds | A100 Medicine A101 Gateway Year to Medicine A200 Dentistry |
September or November |
University of Oxford | A100 Medicine BC98 Biomedical Sciences |
November only |
University of Oxford | A101 Graduate Medicine | September or November |
Keele University Keele requires only ‘overseas for fees’ applicants to take BMAT. |
A100 Medicine | September or November |
This element tests generic skills often required for undergraduate study. The range of these, and the approximate balance between them in terms of the number of marks available, is outlined below.
Questions are in multiple-choice format. Calculators may not be used.
No. of Questions
Problem Solving
Requires candidates to solve problems, using simple numerical operations. Problem solving requires the capacity to: | |
• select relevant information | |
• identify similarity | |
• determine and apply appropriate procedures | |
Critical Thinking
Presents a series of logical arguments and requires respondents to: | |
• summarise conclusions | |
• draw conclusions | |
• identify assumptions | |
• assess the impact of additional evidence | |
• detect reasoning errors | |
• match arguments | |
• apply principles | |
Total | 32 |
Section 2 tests whether candidates have an appropriate level of core scientific knowledge and the ability to apply it. Questions will be restricted to material typically included in non-specialist Science and Mathematics courses in secondary education. The balance between the subject areas in terms of time and marks available is outlined below.
Questions will be in multiple-choice format. Calculators may not be used.
The Section 2 content specification is set out in the Assumed Subject Knowledge section of this document.
Speed as well as accuracy is important in this section. There are no penalties for incorrect responses, only marks for correct answers, so candidates should attempt all 27 questions.
Each question is worth one mark.
Topic |
No. of Questions
7 |
7 |
7 |
Mathematics | 6 |
Total | 27 |
A selection of three tasks will be available, from which one must be chosen. These will include brief questions based on topics of general, scientific or medical interest.
Questions will provide a short proposition and may require candidates to consider one of the following tasks.
Explanation of the proposition: candidates are asked to explain the proposition or part of it, or its implications.
Generation of a counter-argument: candidates are asked to look at the other side of the argument by proposing or commenting on a counter-argument or counter-proposition.
Reconciliation of the two sides: candidates are asked to offer some sort of resolution or reconciliation for two opposing positions (or elements of those positions) explored in the answer.
The Writing Task provides an opportunity for candidates to demonstrate the capacity to consider different aspects of a proposition, and to communicate them effectively in writing.
Whilst candidates may make preliminary notes, answers are strictly limited to one A4 page, to promote the disciplined selection and organisation of ideas, together with their concise, accurate and effective expression. Dictionaries or electronic spell-checkers are not permitted.
When scoring responses, consideration will be given to the degree to which candidates have: addressed the question in the way demanded; organised their thoughts clearly; expressed themselves using concise, compelling and correct English; used their general knowledge and opinions appropriately.
Admitting institutions will be provided with a copy of the candidate’s response.
以上資料來源:Cambridge Assessment Admissions Testing