

LNAT全名為The Law National Aptitude Test,為英國某部分法律學院其中一個入學考試,全卷共分為2部分(Section A同B)。LNAT是由英國大學聯合研發的一種公平的方法,用於評估學生是否適合在大學水平上學習法律,而不論其學歷或個人背景如何。由於法律學科為學生的熱門學科,我地今日為大家介紹下其中一個入學試。



University Course Code
University of Bristol M100, MR11, MR12 and MR13
Durham University M101, M102
University og Glasgow M114, M1R7, M1R1, M121, M1R2, M122, M1R3, M1M9, M1RR, M1R4, M123,  MN11, MN12, MV13, ML11, MQ13, MQ15, ML17, MV11, MV15, ML12, MR17, M100, M9R1, M9R2, M9R3, M9R4, MN19, ML13, M1L1, MQ93, MQ95, MV91, MV95, ML92
King’s College London  LM21, M100, M121, M122, M190
The London School of Economics and Political Science M100
University of Nottingham M100, M101, M1R1, M1R2
University of Oxford M100, M190, M191, M192, M193, M194
SOAS, University of London M100 LLB and all other combinations including Law. M102 LLB Senior Status does not require the LNAT
University College London M100, M101, M102, M141, M142, M144, M145, M146



Section A

The first part is a computer-based multiple choice exam. You’ll be asked to read passages of text and answer questions that test your comprehension of them.

This section consists of 42 multiple choice questions. The questions are based on 12 argumentative passages, with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions on each. You will be given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions.

Your scores from the multiple choice section of the test are checked by computer, and a mark out of 42 is created This is known as your LNAT score.

You’ll be able to review your answers at any time during the 95 minutes, but you will not be able to return to the multiple choice section once you begin Section B.

Section B

In the second part of the test you will be asked to write one essay from a list of three proposed subjects. In section B, you will have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on a range of subjects to demonstrate your ability to argue economically and to come to a conclusion. You will need a good command of written English.

This section is not marked by the test centre and does not contribute to your LNAT score, but it is your opportunity to show your ability to construct a compelling argument and reach a conclusion.

以上資料來源:The Law National Aptitude Test官方網站



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