新不倫瑞克省為加拿大唯一的雙語省份 – 英語法語,約三分之一人以法語為主要語言。其中小學課程為期13年,Grade 9 – 12 為高中課程。New Brunswick High School Diploma為新不倫瑞克省高中教育文憑全稱。
新不倫瑞克省高中文憑採用20學分制,學生需於畢業時修畢18個學分,其中2個學分必須為數學相關學科。 (只適用於2023年畢業嘅學生;於2023年前畢業嘅學生,只需修讀17嘅學分)。

*圖片來源:Canadian Information Centre官方網站
新不倫瑞克省 New Brunswick High School Diploma畢業要求:
- 修畢Grade 9 及 Grade 10 嘅課程(completing Information Technology outcomes satisfies the Computer Literacy requirement);
- 獲取18 個學分 (including compulsory credits);
- 須於Grade 12時獲取5個學分
- 於Grade 9時參加英語水平測試 (ELPA),並成功通過測試及獲得證書。 (若學生測試成績不達標,可於Grade 11,12時從新參與考核,關於更多英語水平測試,請詳閱 English Language Proficiency Assessment / Reassessment Information Guide for Parents and Guardians – Grades 9, 11, and 12.)
必修學科 (8個學分):
- English grade 11 (2 Credits)
- English grade 12 (1 Credit)
- Numbers, Relations, and Functions 10 and
One of Foundations of Mathematics 11 or
Financial and Workplace Mathematics 11 or
Financial and Workplace Mathematics 11 and Financial and Workplace Mathematics 12 (2 Credits) - Modern History grade 11 (1 Credit)
- Science (1 Credit) from
Biology 111/112
Chemistry 111/112
Human Physiology 110
Introduction to Environmental Science 120
Physics 111/112
Physical Geography 110
Robotics and Automated Technology 120
Introduction to Electronics 110
Micro Electronics 120
Automotive Electrical Systems 120
- Fine Arts/Life Role Development (1 credit) from
Internal Combustion Engines 110
Introduction to Applied Technology 110
Metals Fabrication 110
Metals Processing 120
Mill and Cabinet Work 120
Music 112/112/122/120
Outdoor Education 110
Physical Education Leadership 120
Power Train and Chassis 110
Reading Tutor 120
Residential Finish 120
Tune-up and Emissions 120
Visual Arts 110/120
Wellness through Physical Education 110
Career Explorations 110
Cooperative Education 120
Creative (Fine) Arts 110
Culinary Technology 110/120
Electrical Wiring 110
Dramatic (Theatre) Arts 110/120
Entrepreneurship 110
Fashion Design 120
Fashion Technology 110
Framing and Sheathing 110
Goals, Growth, and Grit 120 (Replaced Learning Strategies) Graphic Art & Design 110
Health Care 110
Housing and Interior Design 120
Individual and Family Dynamics 120
*以上內容擇錄自New Brunswick官方教育網站