曼尼托巴省為加拿大草原三省之一,其中學教育文憑全稱為 Manitoba High School Diploma。曼尼托巴省高中為4年制 (Grade 9 – 12),該省嘅高中教育文憑與其他省略有不同,其畢業學分課程需於Grade 9開始。
- Senior Years English Program
- Senior Years Français Program
- Senior Years French Immersion Program
- Senior Years Technology Education Program

*圖片來源:Canadian Information Centre官方網站
曼尼托巴省Senior Years English Program畢業要求:
學生必須由Grade 9 – 12裡修畢30嘅學分課程,其中17個學分為必修課,12個學分為選修課。
必修課 (17 Credits):
Grade 9 (Total 5 credits)
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Science
- Canada in the Contemporary World
- Physical Education / Health Education
Grade 10 (Total 5 credits)
- English Language Arts
- Essentials Mathematics or Introduction to Applied and Pre – Calculus Mathematics
- Science
- Geographic Issues of the 21st Century
- Physical Education / Health Education
Grade 11 (Total 4 credits)
- English Language Arts (One of the following) 1.ELA: Comprehensive Focus
2.ELA: Literary Focus
3.ELA: Transactional Focus
- Mathematics (One of the following)
1.Applied Mathematics
2.Essential Mathematics
3.Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- History of Canada
- Physical Education / Health Education
Grade 12 (Total 3 credits)
- English Language Arts (One of the following) 1.ELA: Comprehensive Focus
2.ELA: Literary Focus
3.ELA: Transactional Focus
- Mathematics (One of the following)
1.Applied Mathematics
2.Essential Mathematics
3.Pre-Calculus Mathematics
- Physical Education / Health Education
選修課 (13 Credits):
- English language arts (additional courses for credit)
- Mathematics (additional courses for credit)
- Sciences (additional courses for credit)
- Social studies (additional courses for credit)
- French (English Program)
- Other languages
- The arts: visual arts, music, drama, dance
- Career development
- Psychology
- Computer Science
- Technology Education
1.Technical-Vocational education
2.Human Ecology
3.Business and Marketing or Applied Commerce
5.Industrial Arts - Others as offered by the school including School-Initiated Courses (SICs) and Dual Credits
- Others as initiated by the student including Student-Initiated Projects (SIPs), Special Language Credit Options (SLCOs), Private Music Options (PMOs), and Royal Winnipeg Ballet