艾伯塔省為加拿大草原三省之一,艾伯塔省為6 – 18歲學生提供公立教育服務, Grade 7 – 9為初中;Gradw 10 – 12為高中。艾伯塔省嘅高中課程全名為Alberta High School Diploma,課程分為兩種:英語授課 及 法語授課,學生可按自己嘅興趣來選擇適合自己嘅課程。

*圖片來源:Canadian Information Centre官方網站
艾伯塔省會以數字黎表示科目嘅程度,例如 Science 10 = Grade 10程度嘅Science ,Science 11 = Grade 11程度嘅Science;Science 11 = Grade 12 程度嘅Science。
根據課程的方向及水平,又會有伸延程度 (+ 1、+2、+3、+4),以Science 10為例子,會分為以下四個程度:Science 10-1、Science 10-2、Science 10-3及Science 10-4 ,學生選擇學科時應該先了解大學嘅需求才選擇學科嘅程度。
- English Language Arts – 30 Level. (30 – 1 or 30 – 2)
- Social Studies – 30 Level (Social Studies 30 – 1 or 30 – 2)
- Mathematics- 20 Level (Mathematics 20 – 1 or Mathematics 20 – 2 or Mathematics 20 – 3)
- Science – 20 Level (Science 20 , Science 24, Biology 20 – 2, Chemistry 20 or Physics 20)
- Physical Education 10
- Career and Life Management
10 Credits in Any Combination:
- Career and Technology Studies (CTS)
- Fine arts
- Second languages
- Physical Education 20 and/or 30
- Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) courses
- Knowledge and Employability courses; and
10 Credits in Any 30-Level Course (In Addition to English and Social Studies), In Any Combination:
- 30-level mathematics, science, fine arts, second languages, CTS, or physical education
- 30-level locally developed course (learn more about these course options through your high school)
- 30-level Work Experience
- 30-level Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP)
- 30-level Knowledge and Employability courses
- Advanced level (3000 series) in CTS courses
- 30-level Green Certificate Specialization courses
- Special Projects 30