紐西蘭嘅教育不但吸收英國優良嘅教育體制,更發展出自己一套獨特嘅教育模式,因而備受世界各地好評。紐西蘭與其他國家教育制度略有不同,它為學生提供6年小學教育,兩年高小 (Year 7, 8 )及5年中學 (Year 9 – 13)。紐西蘭高中教育文憑全稱為 National Certificate in Educatioinal Achievement (NCEA),而NCEA共分為三個階段。

紐西蘭嘅高中課程分為3個階段,分別為NCEA Level 1、Level 2 及 Level 3,學生需修畢足夠嘅學分才可以升讀第二個Level。如果學生想以NCEA成績申請大學,他必須完成Level 3程度。
NCEA 各Level達成要求:
Level 1
80 credits are required at any level (level 1, 2 or 3) including literacy and numeracy. Schools can explain the literacy and numeracy standard pathways they are using.
Level 2
60 credits at level 2 or above
+ 20 credits from any level
The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.
Level 3
60 credits at level 3 or above
+ 20 credits from level 2 or above
*From 2014 the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.
NCEA有兩種模式為學生進行考核,分別為Internal Assessment 及 External Assessment
Internal Assessment
Internal assessments are used to assess skills and knowledge that cannot be tested in an exam, e.g. speeches, research projects and performances. See NCEA subject resources for assessment information and criteria for a particular standard or subject.
To find assessment resources that have been developed by the Ministry of Education for use with the internally assessed achievement standards, see Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI).
External Assessment
Most external assessments are by examination at the end of the year. For some subjects, e.g. Technology or Visual Arts, students submit a portfolio of their work at the end of year. See NCEA exams and portfolios for detailed information.
- Achieved (A) for a satisfactory performance
- Merit (M) for very good performance
- Excellence (E) for outstanding performance
- Not achieved (N) if students do not meet the criteria of the standard
更多NCEA嘅資料,請參閱 紐西蘭高中教育文憑 – NCEA (2)