GCE全名General Certificate of Education,為英國高中嘅公開考試。GCE為期兩年,適合16歲以上嘅學生,主要讓Year 12及13的學生準備升讀大學。
一般來講,一個正常嘅GCE學生至少會修讀 3個學科,但建議學生修讀4個學科。課程設計上並沒有任何必修課,學生只需按自己心儀大學的要求來選擇課程就可以。
以往的GCE會分為兩個AS及A2兩年完成,每個階段佔總成績一半。但英國教育局於2015年對GCE進行改革,GCE的總成績只會計算A2 (Year 13),AS部分則不會納入計算範圍內。
- Accounting
- Arabic
- Art and Design
- Biology
- Business
- Computer Science
- Chemistry
- Chinese
- Design and Technology – Product Design
- Drama and Theatre
- Dance
- Economics
- English Language
- English Language and Literature
- English Literature
- French
- Further Mathematics
- Geography
- German
- Greek
- Gujarati
- History
- History of Art
- Italian
- Japanese
- Law
- Mathematics
- Media Studies
- Modern Languages
- Music
- Music Technology
- Persian
- Physical Education
- Physics
- Photography
- Politics
- Portuguese
- Psychology
- Religious Studies
- Russian
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Statistics
- Turkish
- Urdu


Assessment and Qualifications Alliance – AQA
Welsh Joint Education Committee – WJEC
Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations – OCR

Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment – CCEA
Pearson Edexcel