澳洲學生簽證 | GTE 是甚麼,應該要點樣處理?
就好似申請澳洲學生簽證,申請人除了需要填寫不同的資料,以及完成身體檢查之外,自2016年7月1日起,所有簽證申請人都需要提交簡稱GTE的臨時入境者聲明(Genuine Temporary Entrant)。
究竟GTE是甚麼? 要求是甚麼? 應該如何填寫? 如果未能滿足相關要求會有甚麽後果? 下文會為大家簡單介紹。
GTE全名為Genuine Temporary Entrant(臨時入境者聲明),根據內政部網站,臨時入境者聲明的作用是學生簽證申請人確認申請人到澳洲只是短期停留澳洲,以作學習用途。
假如澳洲內政部懷疑及不同意申請人所提交的GTE填寫內容,內政部是有權拒絕申請人的學生簽證(VISA 500)申請,所以在填寫時需要特別注意!
根據內政部網站,Genuine Temporary Entrant(臨時入境者聲明)是一份英語(English) 個人陳述(Personal Statement)。如有需要,申請者可以另外上載額外證明文件。內政部會根據申請者的個人狀況從而審批。內政部強烈建議申請者在撰寫Genuine Temporary Entrant(臨時入境者聲明)之前,應該先閱讀Ministerial Direction 69。
澳洲內政部在2022年11月更新填寫GTE的字數上限,整篇GTE聲明內容可以填寫不多於300個英文字(300 words),同時並不可以超過2000個字母及符號 (2000-character limit)。
Previous study
- academic transcripts showing qualifications achieved
- name of the education provider(s)
- length of study
- certificates of attainment
Gap in previous study
- reasons why there is a gap in your studies including where you did not maintain enrolment
Current employment
- your current employer
- company address
- period of employment
- details of your position
- the name and contact details of someone who can confirm the circumstances of your employment
Economic situation in home country or country of residence
- documents showing employment or business activities for 12 months before lodging an application
- potential employment offers including salary and other benefits, after course completion
- income tax return or bank statements
Employment in a third country
Potential employment offers, including salary and other benefits, after course completion
Include as much information and evidence as possible in your GTE statement to help give us a full view of your situation. This will help us make a decision on your student visa application. Otherwise, we might need to ask you for more information, delaying our decision on your visa application.
內政部如何審查Genuine Temporary Entrant?
We consider your:
- reason for not studying in your home country or region if a similar course is available there
- ties to your home country that support an intention to return after study is finished
- economic situation
- military service commitments
- political and civil unrest in your home country
We consider your:
- ties to Australia that present a strong incentive to stay in Australia
- level of knowledge of the proposed course and education provider
- previous study and qualifications
- planned living arrangements
- financial stability
- if the course is consistent with your current level of education
- if the course is relevant to past or proposed future employment in your home country or a third country
- expected salary and other benefits in your home country or a third country obtained with your qualifications from the proposed course of study
- previous visa applications for Australia or other countries
- visa refusals or cancellations
簡單來說,Genuine Temporary Entrant – GTE (臨時入境者聲明)是學生簽證申請人的一份個人聲明陳述,確認申請人獲得澳洲學生簽證後的目的是停留在澳洲學習,而並非移民或長期居留。完成學業後,會回到申請時候的所在地,不會在澳洲停留,希望以上資料可以幫到有興趣去澳洲升學嘅大家,大家如果有更仔細的問題,應該向專業的升學或移民顧問查詢。
Australian Department of Home Affairs
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最後更新日期: 2022年11月28日
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