澳洲開關 |疫情下入境澳洲需知
而在早前 12月13(星期一) 澳洲聯邦衛生部長亨特(Greg Hunt)在SBS報導中表示,國際邊界重新開放計劃會如期12月15日(星期三)重開。今次放寬國際邊界限制,令已打齊疫苗的簽證持有人,將不再需要獲得豁免的情況下就可以入境。 但有甚麼條件和需要準備甚麼文件?本文將會詳細講解!
1. 國際學生入境時需要滿足以下條件:
- Be fully vaccinated with a completed dosage of a vaccine approved or recognised by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
完成接種由澳洲治療用品管理局批准疫苗 - Hold a valid visa for one of the eligible visa subclasses
(持有有效澳洲簽證) - Provide proof of their vaccination status
(持有有效疫苗接種證明) -
Present a negative COVID-19 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test taken within three days of departure.
(持有有效聚合酶鏈反應 (PCR)陰性報告,出發前三天內有效)
- Be fully vaccinated with a completed dosage of a vaccine approved or recognised by Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)
2. 需要準備文件需知
Issued by a national or state/provincial-level authority or an accredited vaccination provider 香港政府發出疫苗接種證明
- Written in English or accompanied by a certified translation
- Containing at a minimum:
疫苗接種證明需要有以下要求:- name as it appears in the traveller’s passport:
姓名(跟護照相同) - either date of birth or passport number
(出生日期或護照號碼) - the vaccine brand name, and
(疫苗品牌名稱) - the date of each dose or the date on which a full course of immunisation was completed.
- name as it appears in the traveller’s passport:
Source: Here
Australia Travel Declaration (ATD) at least 72 hours before your flight
**所有旅客必須在出發72小時內填妥Australia Travel Declaration**
表格網站: ATD
4. 2019冠狀病毒病檢測報告
在您辦理登機手續時,必須向您的航空公司提供在您的航班起飛前 3 天內進行的 COVID-19 PCR 檢測呈陰性報告
Mandatory required information: 證明需要有以下要求:
- traveller name and date of birth (age at time of test or passport number accepted, if date of birth not listed)
姓名和出生日期 - the test result (such as ‘negative’ or ‘not detected’)
檢測結果 - the test method used, for example, COVID-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) PCR test
檢測方法 - the date of collection for the COVID-19 PCR test.
如果需要檢測,可參考香港特區政府認可進行 2019 冠狀病毒病本地醫療檢測機構: Here